- Determine the number of people you are transporting. Limousine chauffeur companies typically quote the number of permitted passengers in their vehicles based on 150 pounds per passenger. Unless you have extremely thin men in your party, booking the maximum number of people in the limousine will be extremely uncomfortable. Lesson #1 is do NOT book the limousine to its maximum capacity. Instead, rent a larger limousine or rent more than one limousine. Many chauffeured transportation companies also have stretched SUVs, mini-coaches or other larger vehicles for carrying groups. Never underestimate how warm and uncomfortable formal clothing is and how much worse its wearers can feel in close quarters.
- Some limousine operators use their colleagues to handle multi-vehicle rentals. Ask your contact if another company will be working with them on your wedding day. If so, do your same due diligence on the other company. If you are not satisfied with the professionalism of the other company, secure a company who can manage the entire wedding reservation.
- Timing: Weddings do not normally go off with military precision. Rent the limousine for at least an extra hour beyond the expected schedule. Have the limousine come 15-30 minutes early to allow extra time for photographs. Receiving lines take 25 minutes per 100 people and photographers take much more time then you might expect. It is extremely stressful on everyone if you have left inadequate time for your rental.
- Limousine chauffeur service drivers often have more than one event to service in a day. Do not assume you can add time to your reservation on your wedding day. Spend a few dollars more so your chauffeured transportation is guaranteed for all of the hours you require.
- Visit the limousine company from whom you are renting the vehicle(s). Ask for references. Insist on a written contract within one week of leaving your deposit. Consider using a major credit card if you are unfamiliar with the company you have chosen.
- As much as possible, keep alcohol out of the limousine. Drinkers — plus excitement and formal clothing — can be a recipe for disaster.
- Consider hiring a full-size sedan or van to be on hand as “designated driver” transportation for those guests who may not have used their best judgment during the wedding reception.
- Typically a chauffeur is tipped between 15 and 20 percent of the total charge. ALL chauffeurs prefer a cash gratuity. If the chauffeur has treated you well, tip him/her handsomely and be sure to call the owner. If the chauffeur has NOT delivered good service, inform the owner as well.
- Breakdown: Limousines are machines. They unfortunately get flat tires and hoses and seals rip like any other vehicle. Unless you rent a “backup vehicle,” most companies will have to scramble to transport you should there be a problem. Ask your limousine professional what system he/she has in the event of a problem.